FG fire


We’ve designed the simplest, most cost effective, fire suppression system available to the automotive industry. 

By utilizing available technology, FireGator™ was able to overcome all of the issues that most have with typical Automatic Fire Suppression Systems. We took a traditional AFSS and got rid of the tubing by using a technique called Total Compartment Flooding. This can extinguish a fire in ANY area of the engine compartment. The potassium based aersol is not only safe for human inhalation for up to one hour, but it stays suspended in the engine compartment long after the fire is gone to prevent reignition.

The generators that we use to accomplish Total Compartment Flooding allowed us to monitor the entire system through one green LED. The LED can be seen by the driver making it apparent when the system is not active. This means there is no need for complicated control panels. We added our patent protected HALO to the system for uniform installation.

We created the design to be simple, effective, and affordable. All training for installation and inspections is available online. Through simplifying the system we were able to make an AFSS that can be installed and inspected through this short online training. This means not only is the system more affordable to buy and install, but the lifetime maintenance is very minimal making it the most affordable AFSS overall.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/OUGilsiJ6O4" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Simple. Effective. Affordable.